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    סוחר מתחיל אתמול, 08:01 עבור לתגובה האחרונה
    סוחר מתחיל

    תוכנית האוצר ל-2025: קצבאות הילדים והשכר במגזר הציבורי יקוצצו, מס הסוכר יוחזר

    התוכנית שגיבשה הפקידות המקצועית באוצר כוללת קיצוץ של 28 מיליארד שקל והורדת הגירעון ל-2.8% מהתוצר,לעומת תחזית נוכחית של 5.2% תמ"ג; כמו כן ממליצים שם על קיצוץ בכספים הקואליציוניים והתייעלות בצה"ל

    סוחר מתחיל אתמול, 07:51 עבור לתגובה האחרונה
    פטריוט ישראלי


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    פטריוט ישראלי 20.06.2024, 19:25 עבור לתגובה האחרונה
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    מומחה 20.06.2024 14:07
  • אנחנו בפייסבוק

  • Spain's Borrowing Costs Soar


    LONDON—Spain continued to find itself in the market's cross hairs Thursday, as mounting concerns over the economy sparked a sharp slide in the country's bonds and led to an evaporation of the effect of the European Central Bank's generous cash injection.
    The rout in Spanish bonds weighed heavily on financial markets, with the euro coming under pressure, stocks falling and Italian bond yields rising sharply.
    Spanish borrowing costs are now at levels last seen before the first of the ECB's two long-term refinancing operations, or LTROs, which have been widely credited with soothing Europe's sovereign debt crisis. Ten-year yields on Spanish bonds climbed by 0.15 percentage point to 5.81%, their highest level since Dec. 1, according to Tradeweb.
    Separately, the French government sold close to the maximum targeted amount of long-term government bonds at auction Thursday, but it had to pay slightly higher yields as a result of uncertainty ahead of presidential elections and as the impact of the ECB's cash boost starts to wear off.
    The auction's relative success should cool fears that France will soon find itself in bond-market trouble. The euro zone's second-largest economy heads for the first round of polls later this month against a backdrop of weak growth, rising unemployment and a large budget deficit.
    A miserable Spanish bond auction Wednesday highlighted fraying investor confidence in the country's economy, with unemployment rampant, the debt burden climbing and the government's ambitious budget cuts likely to further crimp already weak growth.
    Spain expects the ratio of the country's debt to gross domestic product to climb to 79.8% in 2012 from 68.5% last year. A stuttering economy could push debt levels even higher, while there are still question marks over the government's ability to reduce debts in the face of rising public anger at austerity measures.
    "The medicine is wearing off. LTROs were a sizable boost but only a temporary one," said Richard McGuire, a senior interest-rate strategist at Rabobank International.
    The latest rise in yields could mark a crucial phase in the debt crisis. The ECB's liquidity operations helped ease tensions in the euro-zone periphery as domestic banks gorged on cheap funds to snap up higher-yielding bonds. With the impact of the LTROs now starting to fizzle out, it remains unclear where Spain and Italy will find continued demand for their bonds.
    A further sharp rise in yields could risk once again inflaming other peripheral bond markets, potentially dragging Italy into the mire and severely testing the firefighting capabilities of the euro zone's bailout funds.
    The Spanish selloff reverberated across currency and bond markets. Extending Wednesday's losses after the poor auction, the euro sank below $1.31, its weakest since mid-March. Against the pound, the euro was also under severe pressure, sinking to £0.8249, its weakest level since Jan.11.
    Italian 10-year yields climbed by 0.12 percentage point to 5.48%. Still, some market participants felt the moves in bond markets were being magnified by extremely thin trading in the run-up to the Easter break. Spain also has some room for maneuver, having already raised nearly half of its 2012 borrowing needs.
    "What we are seeing at the moment is decent moves in very light flows," said Richard Kelly, head of European rates and foreign-exchange research at TD Securities, adding that indicators of bank funding stress were still at subdued levels. For example, European interbank lending rates remain at 21-month lows. "The market had to come off the big sugar high and yields in Spain and Italy will have to climb above 6% before we see an escalation of the crisis."
    The French Treasury Agency on Thursday sold €8.439 billion ($11.09 billion) of long-term government bonds, known as OATs, at the upper end of its €7 billion to €8.5 billion target range. It auctioned the 4.25% October 2017, 3% April 2022, 3.50% April 2026 and 4.50% April 2041 OATs. The three shortest-dated OATs were previously auctioned in March, while the 2041-dated OAT was last sold in January.
    The average yield on the 2017 OAT was set at 1.96%, up from 1.91% previously. The average yield on the 2022 OAT was 2.98%, up from 2.91%, while the average yield on the 2026 OAT came in at 3.46%, up from 3.30% previously. The average yield on the 2041 OAT was 3.79%, down from 3.97% at its January sale. The yields were in line with secondary-market levels.
    "Demand was again relatively strong on the 30-year area despite the incoming presidential elections which is a good signal for French bonds," said Cyril Regnat, strategist at Natixis.
    According to an opinion poll released Wednesday, President Nicolas Sarkozy would lead the Socialist Party's François Hollande in the first round of the election to be held April 22, though he would lose in the event of a runoff.
    "We believe that the French government will have no choice but to stick to its commitment to reduce the public deficit, if anything because the pressure of the European Union, the markets and/or rating agencies will return in case of slippage," economists at Crédit Agricole CIB said in a note.
    France's 2011 budget deficit reached 5.2% of GDP, which the current government of plans to reduce to 4.5% of GDP this year. Euro-zone rules dictate that member countries bring down the deficit to 3% of GDP next year.
    French public debt reached 85.8% of gross domestic product at the end of 2011, only marginally below the euro-zone average of 88%, but above Germany's 82%.
    —Emese Bartha and Jessica Mead contributed to this article.

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